Upcoming Course Offerings

The Department of English plans tentative course offerings two years in advance. The list of projected course offerings is designed to help students plan their schedules over the course of multiple semesters, however, students must understand that these course offerings are not guaranteed. For the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding course offerings for the upcoming semester, log on to BannerWeb.

Fall 2025



Pelletier - ENGL 325 (Age of the American Renaissance) 

Russell – ENGL 308/LLC 357 (The Idea of the Renaissance: Self, History, and Knowledge)


Post-1900 and Transhistorical

Cheever - ENGL 368 (History and Aesthetics of Film) 

Siebert – ENGL 334 (American Indian Literatures)

Outka – ENGL 346 (20th Cent. British and Irish Literature) 


200-Level (LTI/WC)

Brauer – ENGL 299/AMST 391 (American Expatriates) 

Browder – ENGL 219 (Introduction to Drama and Theater) 

Cheever – ENGL 220/FMST 201 (Introduction to Film Studies) 

Cheever – ENGL 220/FMST 201 (Introduction to Film Studies) 

Ireland – ENGL 299/AMST 381 (Food, Culture, and Narrative) 

Outka – ENGL 299 (Introduction to Environmental Literature)

Pelletier – ENGL 204 (Literature and Culture)

Pelletier – ENGL 204 (Literature and Culture) 


Junior/Senior Seminars

Lurie – ENGL 400 (William Faulkner’s Major Fiction) 

Russell – ENGL 400 (Love and Marriage in Early Modern Literature) 

Creative Writing

Stevens – CRWR 300 (Introduction to Creative Writing) 

Harlan – CRWR 311 (Fiction Writing) 

Harlan – CRWR 311 (Fiction Writing) 

Stevens – CRWR 401 (CRWR Portfolio)