Combined Major in English and German
Note: A grade of C (2.0) is required in all coursework comprising the major.
14 courses and a senior project distributed as follows:
Seven courses in German, including:
GERM321 Introduction to German Literature
Two additional 300-level courses
Two 400-level courses
Three electives, selected from a list of approved LLC courses with a CLAC in German or 300-level German courses
Seven courses in English, including:
Two FSLT courses taught in the English Department (one must be completed before enrolling in advanced courses in the major/minor; the second may be taken concurrently with advanced courses)
One 300-level course from Group A (literature before the early to mid-19th century)
One 300-level course from Group B (literature after the early to mid-19th century)
Two additional courses at the 300 level
ENGL400 Junior/Senior Seminar
IDST379 Combined Major Project/Portfolio
A senior writing project (taken for one half unit as IDST379) on a comparative topic dealing with literatures in German and English will be required. The paper must be 20-30 pages long and will make significant use of primary and secondary sources, and will be conducted through independent study. Students should select a focus for the writing project no later than spring of the junior year, and will have two supervisors, one from the English department and one from the German department. By the beginning of senior year, the student should designate one of the supervisors as the primary supervisor, and this supervisor will have primary responsibility for determining the student's grade on the writing project after considering an evaluation and a suggested grade supplied by the second supervisor. If there is sharp disagreement between the two supervisors over the final grade, the primary supervisor's departmental chairperson will appoint a third reader/grader, whose decision will break the deadlock between the first and second supervisors.
Designated faculty members from each department will advise students upon declaration and as they progress through the major. Study abroad in a German-speaking country is very strongly recommended.