Dr. David Stevens
Professor Stevens's primary interests involve creative writing, in particular the short story and the essay. He also teaches classes in American Literature, Genre Fiction, and shorter prose forms. His latest story collection, I and You (Arc Pair Press, 2019), focuses on immigrant and first generation Chinese American characters. Other books include the story collection, Mexico is Missing (Ohio State UP, 2006), and a critical study of the American Western, The Word Rides Again: Rereading the Frontier in American Fiction (Ohio UP, 2002). He has published fiction, nonfiction, and poetry in a variety of national magazines, including Harper's, The Paris Review, The Iowa Review, The Virginia Quarterly Review, Tin House, The Gettysburg Review, The Southern Review, and many others. His work has been variously nominated for the Pushcart Prize and short-listed for the Best American Essays series, included in The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2005, and anthologized in volumes from Pearson Longman and W. W. Norton.
BooksI and You (Arc Pair Press, February 2019)
Mexico is Missing and Other Stories (Ohio State University Press, 2006)
The Word Rides Again: Rereading the Frontier in American Fiction (The Ohio University Press, 2002)
PoemsPoems published in Tin House, ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature, The Prose Poem, and others.
Essays“S” (Sonora Review, 2019)
“Obituary” (Post Road, 2019)
“Four Memories—The South” (River Teeth 20:2, Spring 2019, 49-69)
“This Essay’s Called” (Denver Quarterly 50:3, 2016, 52-58)
“Behind the Scene” (South Loop Review, 2014, 90-92)
“September” (100 Word Story, online)
“For Janet, at 40” (The Gettysburg Review 25:1, Spring 2012, 125-34)
Stories“End of Days” (Greensboro Review 102, Fall 2017, 24-40)
“The Babies” (Moon City Review 17, 2017, 31-45)
“Old San” (The Gettysburg Review 28:3, Autumn 2015, 425-36)
“Murdertown” (Meridian 34, January 2015, 25-38)
“Remuneration” (Greensboro Review 96, Fall 2014, 35-47)
“Good Intentions” (Thin Air 20, 2014, 43-45)
“Turkeys” (River Styx 91/92, 2014, 125-38)
“Gateway” (West Branch 74, Winter 2014, 36-49)
“Pitfall” (Hawai’i Pacific Review 27, 2013, 143)
“Update” (Harpur Palate 13:1, Summer/Fall 2013, 102)
“At the Train Wreck” (NANO Fiction 6:2, Spring 2013, 38)
“Art Builds Bridges” (Gulf Coast 25:2, 2013, 20-23)
“Capsicum” (Moon City Review 2013, 160-61)