Dr. Julietta Singh
Julietta Singh is Professor of English and Stephanie Bennett-Smith Chair of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Richmond. She is the author of three books: Unthinking Mastery: Dehumanism and Decolonial Entanglements (Duke UP, 2018), No Archive Will Restore You (Punctum Books, 2018), and The Breaks (Coffee House Press, 2021). Her work has been published in venues such as South Atlantic Quarterly, Women & Performance, Social Text, Cultural Critique, and Studies in Gender and Sexuality.
Singh is a postcolonial scholar and nonfiction writer whose work engages the enduring global effects of colonization through attention to ecology, inheritance, race, gender, and sexuality. Her work has been celebrated in venues such as The Atlantic, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Book Riot, Literary Hub, and the New York Public Library. She has received numerous honors and fellowships, most recently from the American Council for Learned Societies Frederick Burkhardt Fellow held at Columbia University, the Whitney J. Oates Fellowship at Princeton University, and the Matakyev Research Fellowship at the Center for Imagination in the Borderlands at Arizona State University.
Singh is currently in post-production on The Nest, a feature-length documentary collaboration with Chase Joynt about radical mothers, interracial alliances, and anticolonial histories across 140 years of Canadian history told through the story of a single house. Taking a majestic home located in the center of Canada as its focus, the experimental documentary looks to architecture as a portal through which to tell unexpected histories of Westward expansion, Indigenous uprising, ecopolitical activism, domestic violence, and the racialization of a nation.
Selected Publications
The Breaks. (Coffee House Press & Daunt Books Originals, forthcoming September 2021).
No Archive Will Restore You. (Punctum Books, 2018).
Unthinking Mastery: Dehumanism & Decolonial Entanglements. Duke University Press, 2018.
Journal Articles“Dehumanist Education and the Colonial University,” co-authored with Nathan Snaza. Introduction to “Educational Undergrowth,” Social Text, Guest edited by Julietta Singh & Nathan Snaza, 39.1, 2021.
“Unthinking Mastery Symposium,” The Syndicate, published responses to interdisciplinary scholarly reflections on Unthinking Mastery.
“No Archive Will Restore You: In Conversation with Barbara Browning and Julietta Singh,” Women & Performance 29.3, 2019.
“Errands for the Wild.” South Atlantic Quarterly. Forthcoming, 2018.
“Dehumanism & Disposability” Resilience. Forthcoming, 2018.
“Disposable Objects: Ethecology, Waste, and Maternal Afterlives.” Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 19.1 2018.
"Future Hospitalities." Cultural Critique. Issue 95: Winter 2017.
“Post-humanitarian Fictions.” Symploke. 23.1-2 (2015): 137-152.
"The Tail End of Disciplinarity." Journal of Postcolonial Writing. 49.4 (2013): 470-482.
"Between Food and the Body: Sara Suleri's Edible Histories." Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies. 16.2 (2009): 26-44.
Book Chapters"Gandhi's Animal Experiments." Cosmopolitan Animals. Eds. Kaori Nagai, Karen Jons, Donna Landry, Monica Mattfeld, Caroline Rooney, and Charlotte Sleigh (Palgrave Animal Ethics Series, 2015).
Reviews"Eat and Be Eaten: The Gastropolitics of the (Post) Colony." Review essay of Parama Roy's Alimentary Tracts: Appetites, Aversions, and the Postcolonial. Reviews in Cultural Theory. 2.1 (2011).