Dr. Raymond F. Hilliard
"Ritual Violence and the Maternal in the British Novel, 1740-1820." Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture. Bucknell University Press (2010).
Journal Articles"Laughter Echoing from Mouth to Mouth: Symbolic Cannibalism and Gender in Evelina." Eighteenth-Century Life 17 (1993): 45-61.
"Clarissa and Ritual Cannibalism." PMLA 105 (1990): 1083-97
Pamela: "Autonomy, Subordination, and the 'State of childhood.'" Studies in Philology 53 (1986): 201-17.
"The Redemption of Fatherhood in The Vicar of Wakefield." SEL 23 (1983): 465-80.
"Desire and the Structure of Eighteenth-Century Fiction." Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 9 (1980): 357-70.
Book Chapters"Emma: Dancing without Space too Turn In." Probability, time, and Space in Eighteenth-Century Literature. Ed. Paula R. Backscheider. New York, New York: AMS Press, 1979. 275-98/